Maiden Slam Their Own MP3

Bruce critisizes the quality of the new single

Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson has criticised their own MP3, which they are currently giving away for free on their website.

At a show at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington Dickinson criticised the quality of the song:

"I apologise to those of you who've downloaded, ripped it, done whatever because it's a freebie on the web at the moment," said Dickinson. "I apologise to those of you who have downloaded it, not for any other reason but stuff that is on the Internet sounds like shit - it just does. MP3s - how to take all the balls out of the song!

"It's like, MP3s are to music is what zombies are to Shakespeare -- absolute bullshit," he added. "It's terrible. All these people listening to songs with cotton buds stuffed in their fucking ears. What is that all about?"

If you do want to hear the song then you can get it from the band’s official website,

The brand new album, Final Frontier, is released on 16 August
