Maiden Guitarist Considers Solo Album

Adrian Smith recorded the album half a decade ago

Published 10th Jul 2012

In a new interview smith revealed that he recorded an instrumental album nearly half a decade ago with an unnamed keyboard player, but it has been stored in the vaults ever since.

Smith says that he is  "probably going to do something with it in the future" but for now his focus is on Iron Maiden and his new band, Primal Rock Rebellion, which he formed with SikTh frontman Mikee Goodman.

"It has a life of its own," Smith said of his side band. "I ended up writing with Goodman, but I didn’t know that it was going to turn into an album. If anything, it was more his solo album to start with me producing and writing, but then it became more of a joint project. It just sort of grew really.”

Smith is on the road in the US with Maiden on their Maiden England tour.
