Live Nation To Cease Shows At Hyde Park?

The Hard Rock Calling promoter might not be using the London park next year

Published 23rd Oct 2012

Hyde Park was used extensively this year for concert series such as Hard Rock Calling and Wireless, while it also hosted a large number of Olympic related events. Live Nation has been running events at the park for a decade.

However Hyde Park events attracted criticism over sound quality and volume from both gig attendees and local residents (who were naturally on opposing sides of the fence with one camp claiming it was too loud and the other too quiet) and a high profile incident which saw Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney's plug pulled made headlines around the world.

Now it seems that new restrictions on the number of events and the volume limitations at those events means that promoter Live Nation is looking at alternatives for its summer concerts.

The Guardian reports that Live Nation have written a letter to the Royal Parks Agency, an executive agency within the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, which criticizes the RPA's tender process for failing to take into account increasingly complex logistics and costs of running big events in such a central location in London.

Live Nation has been responsible for some of the capital's biggest musical events in the park over the past decade, including 2005's Live 8.

(The Guardian)