"Let's Get Behind West Memphis Three" says Manson

Artists contribute to new film soundtrack.

Published 14th Dec 2012

Eddie Vedder, Marilyn Manson and Bob Dylan are just some of the artists who have contributed to a soundtrack for a new movie about the West Memphis Three.

The documentary film is produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, best known as the creatives behind The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

West Of Memphis: Voices for Justice chronicles a controversial murder case in the early 1990’s. The film premiered at the Sundance Film festival this year, with the soundtrack to be released in January.

Starting with a searing examination of the police investigation into the 1993 murders of three eight-year-old boys in the small town of West Memphis, Arkansas, the film goes on to uncover new evidence surrounding those arrested and convicted - Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley.

All three were teenagers when they became the target of the police investigation, for crimes they did not commit. Each of the "West Memphis Three" spent more than 18 years in prison while, in the outside world, mounting evidence and testimony pointing to their innocence led to an outpouring of support, particularly from the music community.

Artists featured on the album include Eddie Vedder, Henry Rollins, Natalie Maines, Marilyn Manson, Dave Navarro, and Patti Smith.

"I wish that I had the strength that this guy ( Damien Echols ) had, because he's gone to trial and gone to prison for just looking and thinking the things he did, and that's pretty much what all of us as a music community believe in and what we need to finally get behind. So I'm standing up today to say let's all get behind the West Memphis Three and fix it" said Manson.