Lemmy Says He Stole Hawkwind Gig

Watch a video interview in which the Motorhead frontman talks about how he ended up in Hawkwind

Lemmy has spoken about how he "stole” the bassist job in Hawkwind.

In a video interview with The Quietus Lemmy explains: "I was mediocre at guitar. I couldn’t play lead to save my life, or yours. I went for a job with Hawkwind as a guitar player but they didn’t need one.

"The bass player didn’t show up because it was a free gig, but like an idiot he left his bass in the gear van. It was like, ‘Please steal my gig,’ – so I stole his gig.

"They wanted me in the band, so when someone asked ‘Who plays bass?’ they said, ‘He does’. I went, ‘Asshole’ – because I’d never played bass in my life.

"But I must have done something right because I was with them for four and a half years. I found my instrument. I could really play and do something unique on it. Nobody can copy my style – it’s still unique.”