Led Zep bassist on reunion rumours

“2014 is full of opera for me, at the moment,” says John Paul Jones.

Published 6th Jun 2013

The bassist spoke in a brief interview at the after party for the London premiere of Philip Glass opera "The Perfect American".

John says he is currently hard at work composing his own opera, despite tantalizing rumours by Robert Plant that his schedule in 2014 was being kept clear - hinting at the possibility of a reunion on Australia's "60 Minutes".

"I’m halfway through the first act,” said John of his current project. He added that the biggest challenge of composing opera is "the sheer scale of it, I think. I don’t know. I’m probably about to find out what the challenges are.”

Plant is playing shows this year with The Sensational Space Shifters, while Jimmy Page is working on remastering Zeppelin’s full catalog - with bonus tracks and other extras – for a 2013 release.

Watch John's interview below: