Keith Says Stones Will Tour In 2011

Guitarist hopes band will be on the road in the next 12 months

Keith Richards has revealed that the Rolling Stones are aiming to hit the road in 2011.

Keith confirmed the plans in an interview with the BBC and also in an interview with our very own Liz Barnes last night, saying that while the band have no plans currently set in stone they are all hoping to hit the road for dates within the next 12 months.

"It has to be a total group feel about it, you know, it is a band thing," he told Liz. "If one is reluctant and says ‘I don’t know’, its like, forget about it. But I get the feeling, you know  there’s whispers. Yeah next year. I wouldn’t leave it too long, pal”

He also confirmed that the band were hoping to record new material to coincide with the tour.

"There are gems in the vaults, but more interesting for me is that everybody's ready to go out there again," he told the BBC. When asked if he was talking about a tour he added: "Yeah, I think next year."

The band have "a lot of unfinished stuff to work on", but new material is also on the way. "Knowing Mick Jagger as I do, he's a very prolific writer. I have ideas too and we'll put them together in December or January."