Keith Richards Enjoys New Reputation

His autobiography has changed the way people see him

Published 20th Oct 2011

The Stones guitarist tells GQ that the book has stopped people from seeing him as a drunk.

He tells GQ magazine, "It's weird. It changed, because of the book mainly. There's always going to be 'Keef' - you know, the one that closed down the liquor stores because he threatened to dry out. And, in a way, I've always felt honoured by turning into a sort of cartoon...

"And, yeah, that is part of me. Old Keef. You know. The drug one.

"But since the book came out there's 'Actually he can talk... He's read a book or two.' I don't particularly care whether people know that or not. But it's a nice counterbalance to 'Keef.' Presidents speak to me now."
