Jim Morrison May Be Pardoned

Florida Governor says that he may overturn 40 year old conviction

Jim Morrison’s long standing conviction for indecent exposure may be overturned, according to reports.

Gibson.com reports that the current Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, will consider pardoning the Doors frontman in the coming months.

"Candidly, it's something that I haven’t given a lot of thought to, but it’s something I’m willing to look into in the time I have left,” said Crist, who chose to run for a seat in the Senate (but lost) instead of running for re-election. "Anything is possible.”

The Doors lead singer was famously convicted of indecent exposure and profanity following a 1969 concert in Miami.

Fans of The Doors have petitioned Florida’s government to pardon the singer for decades. In 2007, Crist said that the idea was on the table, because "there was some doubt about how solid the case was.” The pardon would have to go through Florida’s Board of Executive Clemency, which will meet with its present membership one more time on 9 December.
