James Taylor To Record New Album

It will be his first album of original material in a decade

Published 23rd Oct 2012

Taylor has revealed in a new interview that he will be taking a year off from touring to record the new album, according to Music-News.com.

The legendary singer songwriter tells the Berkshire Eagle "I'm taking the year off, I'm not touring, I'm trying to write an album. The goal is to have the album released by the summer of 2014. That's what I'm hoping for."

He added "It's hard to take the year off, there are a lot of very compelling things that come up and it's amazing how the entire calendar fills up. For three years in a row, I've intended to take the fall off. I have to get really serious about it, and yet offers come along from old friends and things I'd love to do, and also the opportunity to work and bring home a paycheck. It's very hard to turn work down."

Taylor's last studio album of his own material was 2002's October Road.

(Music News)