Glover: No New Deep Purple Album Until 2012

But the band have started writing

Published 14th Sep 2011

In an interview with Bravewords Roger Glover revealed that the band were taking baby steps towards their new record.

"The thing is, the way Purple works, is that we don't actually write songs," begins Roger. "They evolve. They evolve out of some kind of mysterious foggy wasteland, which is called jamming. It's a strange phenomenon, really. No one analyzes it, we just play something. If you go into a writing session with Purple with a completed song, you'll get laughed out of the room. Because they don't want to hear that. If anything, they want to hear a riff, a simple chord change, a groove, a kernel of an idea, which then everyone can work on, and throw in their six pence for it."

However, he revealed that they had already held their first jamming session, with some seeds already sown towards the new record.

"We have, yes. In March we got together, nine days. That was the jamming part. There's no songs finished. There is arrangement, there's sort of some basics there, but they need another writing session to get it out. And I'm sure that's going to happen probably at this point, next year, because time is running out on this year, and we're already working (ed. meaning touring) October, November, December."

Glover recently released a brand new solo album, If Life Was Easy. It's his fifth solo album.
