Gillan & Iommi To Work Together Again

The legendary duo to hit the studio next April

Published 1st Aug 2011

In an interview with Bravewords, Deep Purple's Ian Gillan revealed that he would get together with Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi next Spring to work on some music.

The duo will work on songs together and Gillan hopes that they will follow this year's Whocares project with more new material together next year.

"We are very keen to do more, but no plans. I've got some free dates next April and I think we're planning to get together for a week and see what happens. Whether we'll have enough time to make an album, I don't know. That's the plan, and certainly working with Tony is very quick because he's unique. When I hear his ideas, I know exactly where the song's going and consequently there's none of that faffing around that normally stems the writing process. I can't be doing that these days; if a song's not clearly got its identity after about 20 minutes, then it's time to tear it up and start on something else. It's always been that way with Tony though; you know where the songs are going, and consequently these images come into mind.

"Of course it's short-form writing; you have to paint pictures with words most of the time, using metaphors, figures of speech and that sort of thing. You give an image, all part of what we learned when we were kids really. ‘What does it remind you of? What does the music sound like? What's the image? What comes into mind?' Once you've got your topic and you know what the song's about, the writing doesn't take long at all."
