Geoff Tate wants to reunite with Queensrÿche despite his bitter exit

Former Queensrÿche vocalist Geoff Tate says he’d be up for reuniting with the band once again.

Published 20th Dec 2016

The 57-year-old singer was fired from the group in acrimonious circumstances in June 2012 and was replaced by Crimson Glory vocalist Todd La Torre.

Despite the bad blood and even going to court with his ex-bandmates Eddie Jackson, Scott Rockenfield and Michael Wilton over the Queensrÿche trademark, Tate says he’d “never say never” to joining forces once again.

Asked by Blast Echo if, hypothetically speaking, he’d ever peform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame if Queensrÿche were inducted, Tate said: “I suppose so… it might be what’s needed y’know to get everybody in the same room talking again.

“Something like that would probably be the catalyst for getting the band (together). One performance, y’know, I don’t know if that would be enough to get everybody wanting to get back together (permanently) but I’d be up for it. I never say never.”

In a recent interview with Australian publication Heavy, current Queensrÿche singer Todd La Torre heaped huge praise on his predecessor.

"Seriously, he’s been hailed as one of the greatest of all time of the genre,” La Torre enthused. “In my opinion, he created a sound and style of singing.

“At first, I knew I was going to be harshly criticised. Even if I sounded perfect, I am not him. And because I’m not him, people will say 'You’re never as good as him in his prime,' and blah f***in’ blah.

“And I say, 'at almost 43 years old, I’m hitting notes that he wasn’t.' He carved a path for many and was very influential in my vocal styling and was a reason why I enjoy this kind of singing. I didn’t invent it, I put my own little twist on things, but that guy was very innovative and unique. He should be immensely respected for that."

Tate is currently touring the UK performing Queensrÿche and Operation Mindcrime material backed by a six-piece acoustic band.