Eddie Vedder Talks New Album

Frontman also reveals that Pearl Jam\'s new album is coming together quickly

Published 1st Jun 2011

In an interview with Rolling Stone Vedder revealed the inspiration behind his new solo album (Ukelele Songs - out this week) and spoke a little about Pearl Jam's current activities.

Vedder's decision to record an album of songs recorded almost exclusively on the ukelele may be a little surprising, but that was perhaps because the album was never supposed to be released.

"The ukulele thing started as a writing exercise that I thought would be kept to myself," he told Rolling Stone. "I've been kind of collecting songs over the past 10 years, and it wasn't till the last few that I thought of maybe putting this stuff in an album. It's not really my solo rec­ord – it's the uke's solo record. I was just there to guide it.

"I just wanted it to be the one sound. At first it was kind of a joke, and then it became a little bit of a challenge, a puzzle, to see if I could create 11 or 12 songs with just a ukulele. It's like painting with one color. You can ­really appreciate the subtleties and changes in tone."

The album will precede a solo tour ("It makes you really appreciate being in a group and just being able to ride with no hands every once in a while"), a couple of huge shows with Pearl Jam and then a brand new PJ studio album - which is apparently coming together much faster than expected.

"I don't want to jinx it," he revealed from a Los Angeles studio where Pearl Jam are recording their 10th studio album. "But it's on!"

(Rolling Stone)

Free music - Ukulele Songs