Dream Theater Dispute

Handbags at dawn for former bandmates

A dispute between members of Dream Theater, past and present has emerged this week.

The story goes that during a recent interview with Las Vegas radio station Pure Rock Radio Dream Theater frontman James LaBrie was asked whether he was sad that founding member Mike Portnoy had recently quit the band.

"You know what?! I'm not sad at all," LaBrie replied. "I've gotta be honest with you. I think that everyone out there needs to know that there's four guys in the band that are... We're excited, we're really looking forward to the next chapter. And I think one of the other things that everyone really has to remember is that there's four more-than-capable guys there. We're all extremely... I know everyone is out there going, 'Holy shit! Is this guy full of himself or what?' But I wanna say it like it is. There's four very capable people in the band, and we're all talented and we all know what we're doing, and we're all capable of doing everything and keeping Dream Theater exactly what it's been and bringing it to another level and bringing it to uncharted waters, but I think very exciting and fulfilling waters. So, no, we're not down. I can guarantee you none of us are down.”

The top-line taken from that quote and passed around various media agencies was "I’m not sad at all”. This then found its way to Mike Portnoy who promptly started removing mentions of James LaBrie from his official website

Portnoy later said on his site: "I was willing to ignore that the guys insisted all Mike Portnoy-related stuff be removed from DreamTheater.net... but then on Monday reading the Blabbermouth headlines with James insensitively proclaiming they are 'not sad at all' about my departure from Dream Theater, I cannot in 'happy' standing promote his solo tour. I am so sad it comes to this, but I am even more shocked and hurt by James' completely disrespectful quote."

This statement was later removed from Portnoy’s site and then a short time afterwards LaBrie issued another statement saying "It seems there is a misunderstanding. When I said I was not sad with Mike's departure, it, unfortunately, leaves plenty of room to misconstrue such words. No one can tell you or me how to think and feel. Initially with Mike's departure I was extremely upset, down and shocked. But one needs to deal and work through these emotions in order to arrive at a more positive and optimistic place. That is where I am now and was when the interview took place. Let me put it more plain and simple. Life does not afford us the luxury to wallow in our sorrow. You have to deal with the situation at hand and make it a productive and positive endeavour In other words, onward and upward. Mike made it perfectly clear why he chose the current path. I would much rather his words be the definitive answer. In the end, does it really matter what our views are? Other than human curiosity, it doesn't change a thing. I have said my peace and believe there is no room for misinterpretation."

All in all, an excellent hissy-fit from both parties.

(Pure Rock Radio)