Did Jack Russell Fire Old Bandmates?

Russell is questioning the validity of the current "Great White" line-up

Published 20th Apr 2012

The Great White dispute looks likely to keep on running after Jack Russell claimed that he had fired his former bandmates and that he is aiming to trademark the Great White name to prevent his former bandmates from releasing an album under that name.

Speaking to Full In Bloom he revealed his side of the story:

"Well, yeah, putting an album out as Great White... that's not Great White. Now they're having a 30th anniversary. Who are they kidding?! 30th anniversary of what? I fired them all. How can they have an anniversary if they're all fired? I fired them on December 10th. But they obviously don't want to be fired. Prior to that, they tried to file for the Great White trademark without me. I could not believe it; my gut was so upset. I had tears in my eyes... I couldn't believe these guys were my friends. OK, I cost them some money but then again, I allowed them to go out with other singers. I called Jani Lane, former Warrant singer who passed away in August 2011 and said, "Do me a favor and go out and fill in for me while I get well, so these guys don't lose money." Then Terry came in and I was cool with that, too. In retrospect, I should have said no...."You wait for me until I come back." But that's not who I am....I don't want to stop them from earning a living, but they sure wanted to stop me. I'm getting e-mails from these guys: "You can only go out there as Jack Russell, formerly of Great White," from a manager who has only been with the band for the last few years. Screw you, buddy. Honest to God, these moves that I am making are not out of animosity. I mean it. They are just business decisions. Those guys cannot be Great White. There already are too many people going, "Which version of the band are you in?" It's ridiculous. They need to call it something else. It's a different singer.....and the singer is the one element of the band you cannot change without completely changing the sound of the band. I don't care how great the singer is, or how bad. I don't care if you put Steven Tyler in Ratt, it ain't gonna be Ratt."

He also said that he was legally pursuing the name of the band:

"I do want the name now. If they would have called me up before all this happened and said, "Hey, Jack, you know what, man?! We're just sick of you, we can't stand you, we hate your guts, but we know where we've been, so let's try to figure out an amicable way so that we can both use the name." We probably could have figured something out. But the fact that they went behind my back and filed for the trademark, that's just totally deceptive, that ain't right."
