Dee Snider criticises bands who play farewell tours and come back: 'It’s an insult to fans'

Former Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider has criticised bands who play ‘farewell tours’ and later return from their so-called retirement.

Author: Scott ColothanPublished 6th Nov 2017

Singling out KISS’ Farewell Tour in 2000/2001, Scorpions’ supposedly swansong Get Your Sting and Blackout World Tour that began in 2010 and Ozzy Osbourne’s No More Tours Tour way back in 1992 as prime examples, Dee said such tours are “insulting” to fans who often pay “premium” prices.  

Dee’s comments came about when he was asked by New York radio station radio station 101.5 WPDH whether Twisted Sister will ever reunite following their split in 2016.

Emphatic in his response, Dee said (via Blabbermouth): "I'm one of those people who express great frustration at these bands who retire and then come back.

“I think it's an insult to the fan, especially when you pay a premium for those shows, a premium for the 'No More Tours' shirt by Ozzy (Osbourne). How many years ago was that? C'mon, seriously? The KISS farewell tour — farewell to Ace (Frehley) and Peter (Criss), I guess? I think it's insulting.

“Scorpions did a three-year farewell tour and changed their minds. I don't want them to leave, but if you're going to announce that you are and tell us that, then you're supposed to leave. Feel free to stay forever. We love you Scorpions but don't do a three-year farewell tour and then change your mind the next day. Not cool. Not cool, Scorpions.

“Me and the Twisted guys, we are of the mind, just like Mötley Crüe, that this really is it, and we're done. I have no intention of going back.

“I don't want to be one of those people who go back on their word, and I hope if I do, the audience tars and feathers me, and says, 'You know what? You're worse than the people who faked it. You made a big deal, made a stink, pointing fingers at everybody, and then you came back!'

“I don't want to be that guy that people ever look up there and go, 'God, he used to be so good.' I never want people to feel that way."

A quarter of a century after his No More Tours Tour, Ozzy Osbourne today confirmed that Download Festival is part of a “final world tour” that will continue into 2020.

"People keep asking me when I’m retiring," Ozzy said in a statement. "This will be my final world tour, but I can’t say I won’t do some shows here and there."