Dave Davies Calls Brother An A**hole

Don\'t expect a Kinks reunion anytime soon, then

The much rumoured Kinks reunion looks well and truly off after Dave Davies called his brother Ray an "a**hole” and a "vampire”.

The Daily Mail spoke to Dave Davies and asked about the rumoured Kinks reunion, quoting Ray’s recent claim that Dave was "coming around” to the idea of performing again. "Ray’s an asshole" was the reply.

"You’ve heard of vampires,” says Dave. "Well, Ray sucks me dry of ideas, emotions and ­creativity. It’s toxic for me to be with him. He’s a control freak.

"I hate to say it, but it’s got worse since he met the Queen Ray received a CBE in 2004. In his mind, it’s given him more validity, more "I’m better than you”, more "I’m superior”. With him, it’s ‘me, me, me’. He thinks he is The Kinks.

"When I think of all the beautiful music we made, it wouldn’t have been the same if I or Pete Quaife hadn’t been there.”

Quaife is the reason for the brothers” latest bust-up. Ray wanted Dave to perform at a memorial for The Kinks” bass guitarist, who died in June, insisting: "Even the Mafia get together and make up when someone dies. If only for the funeral.”

But Dave refused. "Ray wanting me to come back into the fold is to make him look good. He had an album coming out,” he says.

"He’s cancelled the memorial, which again will be my fault. But after Pete died, I had my own private service for him on my website. I asked Elizabeth, Pete’s girlfriend, and his brother David to join me in sending Pete our love and they were happy to.

"I wrote a few prayers and made my peace with Pete. I wasn’t going to get involved in using Pete as a PR exercise to bolster Ray’s vanity.”

(Nightwatcher’s House Of Rock)