Charity Gig To Raise Money For Madina Lake Bassist

Smashing Pumpkins to raise money for Matthew Leone

The Smashing Pumpkins are to play a charity gig for Madina Lake bassist Matthew Leone, who was assaulted in Chicago a few weeks ago.

The young bassist was badly injured three weeks ago in his hometown of Chicago when he intervened to stop a man from severely beating his wife. After subduing the assailant briefly he went to check on the woman and was attacked from behind by the husband. The beating he then received was so severe that doctors were forced to remove a third of his skull to allow swelling on his brain to subside.

Although he is now on the slow road to recovery, Leone did not have medical insurance and so is left facing a huge bill for treatment.

There are a number of charity events across the US raising money for Leone, but the gig by fellow Chicago rockers Smashing Pumpkins on 27 July is perhaps the most high profile. Tickets will be assigned via a raffle, with each raffle ticket costing $10.

Matthew's brother Nathan (the frontman of Madina Lake) said "On behalf of Matthew, myself, our family and our extended ML family, we are absolutely floored by the compassion, love and support shown from people around the world. We've never experienced anything like it and to be honest, we're not even sure what we could say that would accurately express our gratitude and appreciation. I'll be posting a comprehensive update on Matthew's condition, prognosis and plans for the immediate future shortly. For now, many have so graciously inquired as to where any donations can be made to assist with medical expenses, etc. (unfortunately, Matthew's health insurance expired a few months ago while we were on tour in Europe). Our management has helped organize a few options, should anyone feel they want to donate. We simply can't thank you enough for your generosity, compassion, love and amazing energy that has all been an integral part of Matthew's recovery. More soon, all the love in the world."

Matthew was interviewed by Liz Barnes for her new rock show some months ago, and he was a lovely guy. The fund is a very worthwhile cause and it's such a tragic event for a young musician.

You can find out more about donations and ways that you can help at the link below.