Bruce Dickinson Inspires

Singer passes on pearls of wisdom at entrepreneurs event.

Published 15th Nov 2012

Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson was one of the featured speakers on Wednesday, November 14, at the Entrepreneurs Wales 2012 - a day-long conference designed for entrepreneurs looking to start, develop and grow their business.

Dickinson, who is a a commercial pilot, entrepreneur and international fencer alongside his musical career, emphasised the need to make a product which target customers could not live without.

"The key thing is to figure out how to make yourself invaluable — to be the ultimate virus — to get into the system, a corporate, or somebody's head and become indispensable...They can't do it without you because you have invented some widget or some software or because you are who you are...If I turn the word 'fan' into 'customer,' that's not a bad customer satisfaction rating, is it?"