Bruce Dickinson Bemoans Ticket Prices

Maiden frontman says bands shouldn\'t be charging so much at gigs

Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson has hit out at bands charging a fortune for tickets.

Speaking to Sky News the Maiden frontman said that his band won’t be charging an arm and a leg for fans to come see them on tour.

"It's a massive commitment to come and see a band," the singer told Sky News. "They deserve not just a great show, but reasonable ticket prices. It's just not right, you know -- it's a rock 'n' roll show, it's not a cash cow."

You can watch Bruce on Sky News at the link below (you can also see Planet Rock’s very own Liz Barnes in the same clip).


It’s the second time in a couple of weeks that Bruce has hit out at band ticket prices, saving a particular barrage of abuse for the Eagles.

He told Noisecreep: "We don't do $250 tickets. That's bullshit – what is it with these 'heritage' acts? That's what they've branded themselves.

"Basically you're seeing a bunch of bands who have been around for a while doing the same old shit. They come out of the woodwork after 10 years and go, 'You're going to pay through the nose, so we're going to rape you.'

"What that says to me is, 'We won't be doing this again any time soon' – or, 'If you're crazy enough to pay this money, we'll come round next year and see if it works again.'

"An Iron Maiden show should not be like going to see the Eagles with $50 hot dogs and dickiebows. It should be dirty and smelly and sweaty. I'm 51 – but if I had an audience of people my age, I think I'd kill myself. I wouldn't be there next time."