Bruce Dickinson Auctions Co-Pilot Spot

The Maiden frontman is taking part in a charity flight simulation

Published 18th Sep 2012

Bruce is taking part in Aerobility’s Global Flight Simulator Challenge which will see 100 pilots fly a leg of a 22,000 mile journey over five days. 

The idea behind the challenge is to make the simulator "pay for itself" through a sponsored circumnavigation, with stops at "real" destinations over a 22,000 mile course which, would be achievable in one of Aerobility’s real training aircraft.

The objective of the GFSC is to raise funds for a disabled-adapted flight simulator. Invaluable for disabled student pilots, it allows people with weak, missing or prosthetic limbs to get used to the aircraft without the expense of actual flight - meaning big savings for each disabled student. It is also used for training during unsuitable weather, and by those few whose challenging conditions preclude genuine flight.

You can currently bid for a spot as Bruce Dickinson's co-pilot for his leg of the journey, which will take place on Monday 8 October.

You can find out more about the auction HERE