Bruce Air To Fly Again

Maiden frontman hopes to fly fans to shows and back this summer

Bruce Dickinson will once again be transporting Maiden fans to shows around the world – kicking off with a very special gig in Italy this summer.

The band’s first Italian show to be confirmed for their Final Frontier European Tour takes place at the historic Villa Manin on Aug 17 and Bruce hopes to fly Maiden Fan Club members out to the show – their first in Italy since Bologna in 2008.

Villa Manin, located in Codroipo in the province of Udine, is one of the most important artistic Italian monuments. Commissioned in the 17th century by Ludovico Manin to celebrate the wealth and power of the Manin family, it was the family's country house. At the end of the 18th century, under the reign of the last doge of Venice, Ludovico Manin (1789-1898), Napoleon Bonaparte chose this regal residence as the General Headquarters of the French troops  stationed here in 1797 during the Italian campaign.   The new order he was later to impose on the whole of Europe was planned here. It was in the rooms of the Doge's residence that the important negotiations which were to culminate in the "Treaty of Campoformido" (October 17, 1797) were held, thus marking the end of the Republic of Venice to the benefit of the Hapsburg Empire.

Bruce Air hopes to fly a bunch of Maiden fans out to the show from Gatwick, with band frontman Bruce Dickinson captaining the Astraeus Airlines flight there and back.

More details to be announced on Maiden’s official website,