Bach Sets Record Straight About Skid Row Reunion

He responds to criticism from current Skid Row singer

Published 13th Jul 2012

Classic Rock Magazine reports that Bach has moved to clarify a statement he made on Twitter recently which said that he would be open to reuniting with his former band but one member doesn't seem interested. 

Bach attracted criticism from incumbent Skid Row frontman Johnny Solinger, who told Legendary Rock Interviews that Bach's claims were "crap" and that "He’s been wanting back in the band since I joined but there’s not much he can say about it, and not much I care to say about it. His statement was just his way of getting a little attention. It’s not going to happen."

And now in an open letter Bach says: "There is a journalist named Jonathan Parks who has gone out of his way to undermine our fragile relationships. He makes up whatever he wants to say on his website – I can guarantee you I never said what ended up in my interview.

"Every time there is a question I answer, on his site, 'Well, you know, John...' I can guarantee you I did not know this person’s name. I challenge Mr Parks to put up the audio of what I actually said, so you can hear for yourself what bullshit lies ended up in his interview.

"That’s why it’s futile for me to respond to my replacement’s ridiculous claims. Because I’ll bet you Jonathan Parks used more than a little creative license in his interview, as he did in mine."

Bach says the recent comment he made that four out of five original Skid Row members wanted a reunion was true. "It’s not ‘crap’", he insists. "We were offered to play two shows at Sonisphere in Europe. They even printed up posters for the show which had us on the bill."

In the Solinger feature Legendary Rock Interviews states that guitarist Dave "Snake" Sabo is the one who won’t reunite - but Bach says: "Snake was the first one to say he would. Robe Affuso would do it. I called the bass played Rachel Bolan but never heard back."

Bach believes his Skid Row should be more like Kiss, saying: "For more than 40 years Kiss has let the fans be the boss and the fans love them for it. My old band is the complete opposite of that.

"For the fans I would be willing to put my ego aside and do something that would be special for the people who put us where we are today. I do not personally want it myself – but it’s not always about what I want."

He adds: "So to my old band members, if you want to try and get out of the internet bullshit and come together for the sake of the fans, give me a call."

Bach finishes: "One last gigantic 'f--k you' to Jonathan Parks for being a slimy scumbag. The fans have you to thank for completely f--king up this year’s chances for a reunion. Way to go, stupid."

Parks has revealed that he has received an enormous amount of criticism since his piece on is website, but he maintains that he published the truth.

"If one reads the interview they will see only one mention of Bas saying my name. One mention does not equal the 'every time' name dropping Bas suggests. It was the very first question and of course that’s how most normal phone chats start.

"The interview he is complaining about was published six months ago. He wasn’t upset six months ago and in fact tweeted and Facebooked the link. It was only after we ran an interview this week with Mr. Solinger that he freaked out.

"We record our interviews on our cellphones’ internal storage and after they are published they are deleted. This is true for not just Mr. Riot Act but for all celebs we talk to.

"As for Bas saying that he assumes the Snake and Solinger interviews were lies as well, why not ask them or go to where Sabo’s chat is prominently featured?"

(Classic Rock Magazine)