An Early Look At Jimmy Page's Book

Our friends over at Tight But Loose have seen Jimmy\'s book and it sounds pretty amazing

Our friends over at Tight But Loose – the world’s leading Led Zeppelin fansite – have been given an exclusive early look at Jimmy Page’s first every book and you can read some excerpts from their review below.

"The early pre Zep years yield some astonishing period photos from his early days with Red E Lewis through Neil Christian & The Crusaders and the London session scene and on to The Yardbirds era. Here we find the guitarist gaining confidence and moving into the spotlight. There’s plenty of images of Page in his best psychedelic threads leading the band into their final phase.

"Then of course it’s full on Led Zeppelin. The 289 pages devoted to a band that as he comments was ‘’A mix of acoustic, electric, rock, blues,  avant-garde and experimental music performed with vision, improvisation, attitude and a bullet proof blueprint’’  has all bases covered. Highlights and there are just so many, include great black and white images of their early Scandinavian and US dates and then onto the glory years; Bath ‘70, Back to the clubs ‘71, Electric Magic, Headley Grange, Kezar Stadium, Earls Court, the mystery and mania of the 1975 and 1977 US tours and then the final glory of Knebworth and Over Europe 1980 – it’s all here.  While some of the photos have appeared elsewhere, much of it is rarely or previously unseen – including a remarkable shot from1975 that will stop readers in their tracks.

"There’s a complete ongoing detailed tour itinerary running from the Yardbirds era through Zeppelin and post Zep chronicling every Page performance from 1966 to the present. Various programmes and posters from the Zep era are also reproduced alongside passport photos and visa stamps  documenting  the many on the road journeys made.  Page’s own annotations and comments are very good particularly in the early days.

"This is a living breathing testament to the man’s greatness – to be viewed time and time again against the appropriate soundtrack. I for one will have great fun selecting a Page packed playlist from all quarters of his catalogue to play as I read and re-read the book’s historical content. In fact I haven’t been able to put it down since it arrived –  and I can see myself grasping for it constantly in the days, months and years to come.”

You can read the full review at the link below – it’s certainly got more than one Planet Rock staffer either looking longingly at the official site (here) or rummaging hopefully behind the backs of sofas for loose change that can contribute to the £445 price tag.