Alice In Chains Offer Album Update

The band\'s new record may be with us next year

Published 6th Dec 2011

The band are slowly working towards a follow-up to 2009's Black Gives Way To Blue, says guitarist Jerry Cantrell in an interview with ESPN (via Hennemusic)

"Whenever we're done,” Cantrell said when asked about when we could expect the new album. "Schedules in music, I know people have done it and say you need an album out by this date and you're talking about album tour, it can burn you out quickly. It did with our band. We've been fortunate to be partnered up with companies that respect the process. We're never really forced to make music. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't. We've been writing a lot. I also had shoulder surgery earlier this year. I'm at the tail end of rehabbing that. That put us back a little bit. But we have some stuff. We'll do some writing. Hopefully we'll have it out next year. We'll put it out when we feel that it's worth putting out.”
