Aerosmith Start New Album This Weekend

Band to reconvene on Saturday to start writing brand new record

Published 19th Jan 2011

Aerosmith will start recording their brand new studio album on Saturday, according to Steven Tyler.

In an interview with Billboard Tyler revealed that he was reconvening with his bandmates on Saturday to start writing the record and to pool the band’s various ideas.

"We've certainly been writing. I know guitarist Joe Perry's got some licks, and I got a bunch of songs that I've written for solo and/or Aerosmith," Tyler said during an American Idol conference call with reporters. "I will be flying out of New York tomorrow night and be back in L.A. and watch the premiere Wednesday night. I get Thursday off, and Friday I'm writing with producer Marti Frederiksen, and Saturday we're into a writing program with the band."

Tyler also reveals that the band will be on tour in the winter, with South American and Japanese tours already booked.
