Aerosmith Hacked!

Band have their website hacked with plea for help.

Published 1st Nov 2012

The Aerosmith website was mysteriously hacked last week by an unsigned band, requesting help. 

The hackers replaced the band's website with a single, typo-riddled page, which reminded the musicians that they were a struggling band once. No name was mentioned, which has led some to speculate that the entire incident is a ruse by Aerosmith to promote their new album, 'Music From Another Dimension!'

Interviewed yesterday by, Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler stated that he would consider signing the hackers if their music was any good. 

"They got the balls. I see a stunt like this and think, if this is really a band, then all I want do is hear their music. And if they suck I'll kick their ass and maybe sue them. Or if they kick ass maybe I'll sign them! All I ever wanted to do was get my foot in the door – that was the mission of Aerosmith. So I look at those words they wrote and I get it."

Tyler admitted in the interview that he agreed with the spirit of the message, declaring that it was in the spirit of rock n' roll, and he would like to see more young bands trying similar stunts to get noticed. He further stated that he was as baffled as everyone else by the hacking, and had thought at first it was one of his bandmates' kids. He has now resolved to "get to the bottom of it."