Aerosmith Bassist Issues Album Update

Tom Hamilton sends video report from the studio

Published 9th Feb 2011

The bassist revealed some behind the scenes footage from the band's recent recording sessions in a new video clip which he uploaded to their official website.

The clip is only short but it shows all of the members of the band (minus the absent Joe Perry - more on that below) working on new material for their as yet untitled new studio album.

He revealed in a post on the band's website: "We had a good time out there and came up with the makings of some great songs.  It was so good to have 10 days of intense quality time with Brad, Joey and Steven.  We got to shut the world out and just be our musical beings for 12 hours each day.

"Our producer/song writing partner Marti kept the pace moving really fast which did wonders for keeping us all focused and moving forward.

"It was a good start in terms of finding ways to work around Steven's TV schedule.  We'll be ready to pounce every time he gets a break."

You can watch the video HERE

Meanwhile Joe Perry has scotched rumours of some trouble in the Aerosmith camp due to the fact that he wasn't present during the recent sessions.

In a series of Twitter posts (most responses to people's questions) he said that the band would be back in the studio in the Spring to finish off the record. Here's his posts:

"I am in Aerosmith. I am not going anywhere. The band isn't writing any more. It was only for 8 days. If ya need a jolt get my last solo CD"

"There's nothing to make up. We are brothers we have been texting back n forth since the tour ended. It's a bunch of BS"

"It was only an 8 day writing session that got blown outta proportion. Asmith will resume in the Spring to finish the new CD"

"Asmith and I will be writing in the Spring. The guys only got together for 8 days.I had previous plans could not get out of."

"People must stop talking nonsenses about Aerosmith. Many ''journalists'' grows on the press with a world of lies."

"you misunderstood they only wrote for 8 days, there will be more song writing for ASmith in the Spring.We r looking forward to the next CD"

"we need all 5 members to write a real ASmith CD. We have plans to write in the nxt few months for an extended time period"

"So let's get this straight.I am not leaving ASmith.I will be writing on the new CD.Just could not make the Lst 8 day writing stint.alls well all rumors. don't worry bout a thing.ASmith lives on n I am in it. It's my band.Tom and I formed it in 1969.It's the 5of us"

"Steven and I text all of the time.He's my brother in arms just like Brad, Joey, and Tom r.Everything else is a rumour."
