Acoustic Motorhead Available For Free

Download interesting new version of Ace Of Spades for free

Demand for the song has been so high that Kronenbourg have acutally run out of downloads available, and it's not looking too likely that they'll be getting any more download capacity. You can see if they have any more downloads available  HERE

Until the song becomes available again in one form or another (due to its popularity we suspect it'll be released again in some form in the not too distant future).

In the meantime you can enjoy the advert below:

In other Lemmy news, the new documentary film Lemmy: The Movie, which received its UK premiere at the London Film Festival on Saturday, is to see a limited UK cinema release on 7 December.

The Picturehouse chain of cinemas will be showing the film on one day in December ahead of the DVD release in January.

Here are the cinemas currently due to show the film:

Ritzy, Brixton
Picturehouse, Stratford
Duke of Yorks, Brighton
Lighthouse, Poole
Harbour Lights, Southampton
Cinema City, Norwich
Little Theatre, Bath
Picturehouse, Exeter
Picturehouse, Stratford Upon Avon
Phoenix, Oxford
Picturehouse At Fact, Liverpool
Picturehouse, York
Belmont, Aberdeen
Cameo, Edinburgh