Weather warning forecasts up to 100mm of rain across parts of Cornwall
The Met Office yellow alert for downpours now covers a wider area but will only be in force until 8pm on Saturday

Last updated 19th Feb 2021
The Met Office says up to 100mm of rain could fall in parts of Cornwall over the next few days.
A new weather warning for downpours has been issued, to last until 8pm on Saturday 20th February.
It now covers a wider area of the Duchy, from Bodmin up to Launceston and Saltash.
There is the risk of flash-flooding and travel disruption and forecasters say strong to gale force winds could cause extra problems too.
What can we expect?
There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded, causing damage to some buildings
There is a small chance of fast flowing or deep floodwater causing danger to life
Where flooding occurs, there is a slight chance of delays or cancellations to train and bus services
Spray and flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions and some road closures
There is a small chance that some communities become cut off by flooded roads
"The current band of rain is expected to become slow moving over western England through today and tomorrow.
"Whilst many places will see a spell of heavy rain, high ground of south-west England around Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor which are exposed to the south, will likely see the largest rainfall totals.
"Here, some 70-100mm of rain is possible, with the most exposed parts of Dartmoor potentially seeing up to 150mm by the end of Saturday.
"As well as heavy rain, strong to gale force southerly winds will be an additional hazard".
Met Office
You can check the latest weather warnings for Cornwall and the south-west here.