Tories lose Tiverton and Honiton by-election in Devon to the Lib Dems

Richard Foord overturned a 24,000 majority and said "it's time for Boris Johnson to go"

The new MP for Tiverton and Honiton, Lib Dem Richard Foord
Author: Sophie Squires and Emma HartPublished 24th Jun 2022
Last updated 24th Jun 2022

It is a double defeat for the Conservatives with by-election losses overnight - with one seat going to Labour, and the other to the Liberal Democrats.

In Tiverton and Honiton in Devon, new Lib Dem MP Richard Foord overturned a Tory majority of more than 24,000 to win.

That is a swing of 29.9% and ranks as the biggest majority ever overturned at a by-election!

WATCH: Victory for Lib Dems in Tiverton and Honiton by-election:

Mr Foord becomes the first Lib Dem MP in Devon since Sarah Wollaston, who defected from the Tories in 2019 to the short-lived Change UK and subsequently the Lib Dems.

The former army major declared the result a political 'shockwave'.

He said: ".Tonight, the people of Tiverton and Honiton have spoken for Britain. They’ve sent a loud and clear message; it’s time for Boris Johnson to go – and go now".

The by-election was triggered following the resignation of former Tory MP Neil Parish, after he admitted to watching pornography in the House of Commons.

Elsewhere, Labour's reclaimed Wakefield, which it lost in 2019. Simon Lightwood becomes the MP for the West Yorkshire constituency.

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