Three people fined after driving from Somerset to Cornwall 'to see cliffs in wet weather'

The trio travelled 160 miles from Bridgwater to Land's End in the middle of lockdown

Author: Emma HartPublished 3rd Feb 2021

Three people have been fined after driving from Somerset to Cornwall, apparently to see the storm soaked cliffs.

Police say they had travelled from Bridgwater to Land's End to look at the cliffs in the wet and foggy conditions.

Officers in Penzance shared the story on their social media, urging people to stay at home and only make essential journeys.

"We issued Covid-19 fines recently to 3 people who drove from Bridgwater to Land's End to see the cliffs in wet and foggy weather conditions.

"Please stay at home, exercise locally and only make essential journeys to protect the NHS and reduce the risk of collisions".

Penzance Police on Facebook

What is the official lockdown advice from Devon and Cornwall Police?

With the current situation regarding COVID-19, we are living in unprecedented times. With this in mind, we have pulled together some of the more commonly asked questions you might have.

As of 05 January 2021, England is under national lockdown restrictions. You must not leave your home unless you have a reasonable excuse.

We can help control the virus if we all stay alert. With this in mind, you are advised to:

Stay at home as much as possible

Only leave your home if you have a reasonable excuse to do so

Work from home if you can

Limit contact with other people you don't live with

Keep your distance if you go out (two metres apart where possible)

Wash your hands regularly

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

Please visit for the latest official guidance and announcements.