Police praised following one of Cornwall's busiest summers

The force attended more than 17,000 incidents.

Author: Jo Symes Published 29th Sep 2020

Staff at Devon and Cornwall Police have been praised for their 'exceptional' work after policing one of the county's busiest summers.

From July to early September, Devon & Cornwall Police attended 17,122 incidents in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly - a 5% increase over the period compared with last year. There was also a recorded 5,486 crimes in the county, a 1.3% increase compared with the previous year.

Although there were increases overall, many crime areas saw reductions during these months, with shoplifting, vehicle crimes and violent crime all down compared to previous years.

The force also dealt with numerous road traffic incidents with 209 people being injured and unfortunately two people dying as a result of a collision.

59 officers and staff were assaulted during the summer period in Cornwall.

As part of the summer policing operation, the police received additional funding from the Police & Crime Commissioner and planned resources to make sure communities and visitors would still receive the best service possible from the force, despite the increased demand on resources.

Within this plan, several initiatives were introduced including a dedicated domestic abuse car being established during peak hours.

The Special Constabulary also played a big part in local policing this summer, contributing 1,865 hours of policing to the community.

Cornwall Community Safety Partnership also received funding direct from the Police & Crime Commissioner, this supported additional CCTV cameras and monitoring hours, and street marshals across the county.

“I am extremely proud of all the officers, staff and volunteers who work across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and how they have successfully policed the county over the summer months.

“This year has been an unprecedented time for policing, not only have we had the challenges of policing during COVID-19 (Coronavirus) restrictions, but we have had one of the busiest summers recorded with many more people than ever visiting the county.

“We also need to recognise the hard work of our partners, in the council, NHS and other emergency services. We all came together and planned the summer period carefully.

“Finally, I’d like to thank our Cornish residents and visitors to the county, the vast majority of whom were responsible, respecting social distancing and following the various rules, whilst, enjoying their summer.

“Every person in the police has given 100% this holiday season to make sure Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly remains one of the safest places to live and visit in the UK. I feel extremely lucky to have commanded such a dedicated team.”

Cornwall Commander Chief Superintendent Ian Drummond-Smith, Cornwall Commander for Devon & Cornwall Police

Chief Superintendent Ian Drummond-Smith has been covering the substantive Cornwall Police Commander Chief Superintendent Pearce since February 2020. Chief Superintendent Jim Pearce will return to the county and resume his position in October.

Chief Superintendent Ian Drummond-Smith, who has policed Cornwall for around 22 years, leaves the county on permanent promotion, to manage the force’s contact centres and control rooms in Plymouth and Exeter.