Police warning over 'inconsiderate parking' at Cornish beauty spot

Pavements were blocked and buses couldn't get through

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 5th Aug 2021

Police have issued a warning after what they call inconsiderate parking at a beauty spot in Cornwall.

Officers say Porthcurno was left at a standstill which vehicles parked along the pavements and blocking the road.

There was not enough room for buses or larger service vehicles to get through on Wednesday.

Police are reminding people that this kind of parking could put lives at risk if emergency vehicles are unable to get through.

"Porthcurno was again brought to a stand still today due to inconsiderate parking by visitors attending the area. Pavements were blocked and insufficient room left for buses to pass, and other larger service vehicles were prevented from going about their business.

"Devon and Cornwall Police assisted by Cornwall Councils Civil Enforcement Officers attended and a number of vehicles were given fixed penalty notices. Please remember inconsiderate parking like this may result in the delay of emergency services and put lives in danger.

"The images were taken at the top of the valley, however buses and larger vehicles were getting stuck further down towards the Cable Station public house and car park."

Penzance Police

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