"Disgusting and abhorrent": MP condemns attack on homeless man in Truro

Truro and Falmouth MP Cherilyn Mackrory says she will meet with police on Monday

Author: Emma HartPublished 14th Feb 2022

The MP for Truro has condemned an attack against a homeless man in Truro as "disgusting", saying this type of behaviour "will not be tolerated".

Police have confirmed a 'number of arrests' have been made, following what they describe as a serious assault.

Shocking videos of the incident in the Moorfield Car Park have appeared online and seem to show a man being punched and kicked by his makeshift bed.

Officers are asking people not share the footage on social media or comment, adding that the investigation is ongoing.

They are urging anyone who saw what happened at around 10pm on Saturday night to come forward.

"Disgusting and abhorrent"

MP for Truro and Falmouth, Cherilyn Mackrory, said: "The disgusting and abhorrent events that occurred in Truro last night have been brought to my attention. Truly shocking and deeply saddening. This should not be happening in our city.

"Recently I have become increasingly concerned about the issues with crime and anti-social behaviour in Truro so I put out a survey to hear the views of those who live and work in the city.

"92% of those who responded said they had witnessed crime or anti-social behaviour in the city centre, and 98% felt that more needed to be done to address these issues.

"Tomorrow I am meeting with Truro’s Police Inspector, Truro’s Anti-Social Behaviour office, the Community Safety Officer and the Mayor (along with other key stakeholders) to discuss the current situation. The incident from last night will be at the top of the agenda.

"This type of behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated".

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