Cornish MP calls on Prime Minister to help provide more local homes for local people

He says Cornwall is facing a housing crisis where locals are being priced out of the market to buy or rent

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 23rd Jun 2021

A Cornish MP has called on the Prime Minister to help provide more local homes for local people in Cornwall.

Steve Double, who represents St Austell and Newquay, has been speaking in Prime Minister's Questions.

He has secured a commitment from Boris Johnson to ensure new planning reforms will allow people in Cornwall to affordably buy their own homes.

Speaking in Prime Minister’s Questions today, Steve said:

“We currently have a housing crisis in Cornwall where local people, whether to buy or rent, are priced out of the market due to the huge demand inflating prices from those moving to Cornwall or for holiday homes.

“This is a longstanding problem but has become the worse it has ever been in recent months.

“As the government seek to reform the planning system can the Prime Minister assure me that the measures brought forward will not be just about building more houses in Cornwall for the wealthy to purchase but will ensure local people can access the homes they need.”

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay

In response, The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said:

“My hon friend raises a point that has been raised repeatedly with me in Cornwall and we are absolutely determined to address the issue in question and to work with Linda Taylor, the Leader of Cornwall Council, the newly Conservative Cornwall Council, to ensure that we build local homes for local people, so that young people growing up in Cornwall have the chance of owning their own home.”

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister

Speaking after the debate, Steve said:

“I was pleased to highlight this issue with the Prime Minister in Parliament today. I am concerned that there is a housing crisis currently in Cornwall, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic and its side effects, and it is only right that the Government should take action to ensure planning reforms do not make this worse. In fact now is the ideal time to use these reforms to fix the housing market in Cornwall.

“I am pleased to see the Prime Minister recognising my concerns and will do all I can to work with him, the Government and Cornwall Council to ensure truly affordable houses for local people are delivered in Cornwall.”

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay

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