Police pledge to get justice for all victims of sexual assault across Cornwall

Here is where you can access support in the Duchy...

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 15th Feb 2022
Last updated 15th Feb 2022

Devon & Cornwall Police are pledging to help get justice for all victims of rape and sexual assault.

Our force has issued a shared plan, along with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), that focuses on raising investigation standards.

The two agencies share a commitment to improve both outcomes for victims and their experience of the criminal justice process.

They want people to have the confidence to report crimes and to know they will be investigated thoroughly by dedicated officers.

The shared plan focuses on partnership working to raise the standards and timeliness of investigations, to increase the volume of cases referred to the CPS for a charging decision and ultimately the number of convictions at Court.

Devon & Cornwall Police Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RaSSO) Lead , Detective Superintendent Nicky Seager and the Head of the RaSSO Unit within CPS South West Vicky Gleave want to emphasise to victims that they should have the confidence to report crimes and that they will be investigated thoroughly by dedicated officers and where the case is referred to the CPS, considered and prosecuted by specialist lawyers.

Detective Superintendent Nicky Seager said: “We hope that the successful convictions of serious sexual offenders that have been achieved over the last few months will show victims that offenders will be brought to justice and that our communities can have confidence in the criminal justice system which is an active partnership between the police and CPS.”

As an example, in the last month alone across Devon and Cornwall, three of the most serious sexual offenders have received jail terms totalling 45 years and 9 months for offences including rape, sexual assault, voyeurism, making indecent images and controlling and coercive behaviour.

Vicky Gleave, Head of the RaSSO Unit within CPS Southwest, said: “Both agencies welcome these sentences for such serious offences, and we recognise the bravery of the victims and witnesses for coming forward to report and for providing detailed evidence to support the convictions.”

Where to get support

There is support available to victims, regardless of age, gender or circumstances from a number of partner agencies as it is recognised that not all victims would like to initially report or engage with the police or be involved in the criminal justice process.

There are other options available to provide guidance on alternative support, or the Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) which can provide evidential services even if a victim is unsure whether they wish to involve the police at a later date. Please see the contact information below.

The CPS has recently created a guide for victims of rape and serious sexual assault - What happens when a case comes to the CPS - https://www.cps.gov.uk/rasso-guide/rasso-victims-guide#

For further information about SARC services, such as those for children, or to make a non-urgent referral please go to www.sarchelp.co.uk

More information about rape and sexual assault can be found on the Devon & Cornwall Police website www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/advice/threat-assault-abuse/rape-sexual-assault

In an emergency always call 999.

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC) 0300 3034626

Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Independent Sexual Advisor Service 03458 121212

Victim Care Unit 01392 475900

Safer Futures - Domestic Abuse Support, Cornwall 0300 777 4777

The Women’s Centre Cornwall 01208 77099

Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services 01392 204 174

National Rape Crisis Helpline 0808 802 9999

Support for men who have been victims of sexual violence - www.survivorsuk.org

Survivor Pathway: for anyone who needs to know about specialist sexual violence support services in Devon and Cornwall - www.survivorpathway.org.uk

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