An estimated 42 people need a life-saving organ transplant in Cornwall

Potential organ donors are being urged to make sure families know their wishes during Organ Donation Week

Author: Emma HartPublished 24th Sep 2021

It is estimated 42 patients are on the waiting list for a vital transplant in Cornwall.

Figures released during Organ Donation Week show organ donors saved 23 lives in the Duchy last year.

Devon mum Catherine Meredith has made a heartfelt appeal to help her daughter, who had cystic fibrosis and needs a life-saving transplant.

She says the 29-year-old could die if she does not get a new liver, but is worried about a shortage of donors and waiting lists rising due to Covid.

Catherine said: "Over 6,000 people need life-saving transplants at the moment and there's a desperate lack of donor organs. One person can save lives so please be a hero and join the NHS Organ Donor Register".

A recent change in the law means people are seen to be automatically enrolled on the donor register, unless ruled out for a specific reason or by personal choice.

However, officials from the NHS Blood and Transplant Service are urging people to have conversations to make sure families know their wishes.

Rebecca Tolmon is the specialist nurse in organ donation at Treliske and says that is the point of Organ Donation Week.

She said: "Asking people to have those conversations, talk about your decision to do with organ donation and, most importantly, leave your family certain of your decision".

Rebecca explains what a difference a donor can make: "Simply put, organ donation saves and transforms lives".

She remembers one patient who was saved "in the nick of time" and who is now leading a more normal life: "Walking up a flight of stairs, running to play ball or to chase their children in the park or rush their children on the swing and also, just the reassurance of knowing that they've had their transplant and they able to start their new life with that incredible and precious gift".

Rebecca has this message for those whose loved ones have donated organs: "Really just take a moment to appreciate the incredible donors and families that we've had in Cornwall, to let their families know that they're absolutely not forgotten".

You can read more information about being an organ donor and Organ Donation Week on the NHS Blood and Transplant website.

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