Devon and Cornwall detectives suffer 'burnout' and Covid rule-breakers 'aren't helping'

A Police Federation survey has found some detectives are coping with up to 20 active cases at once

Author: Emma HartPublished 9th Feb 2021
Last updated 9th Feb 2021

It has been revealed that senior police officers in Cornwall and Devon are suffering from 'burnout'.

Detectives have told a survey they are facing workloads they feel they will never get on top of.

The Duchy and Devon's Police Federation claims some are dealing with as many as 20 active cases at once.

It comes just a week after we launched #BehindTheMask, urging people to share how they're coping with their mental health during the pandemic.

Detective Lead Suzanne Vranch (pictured below) has been working with the force to improve the role for investigators.

"The main reason we can’t retain detectives is largely down to the demand. The volume of workloads is way above what it used to be. Detectives can have between 10 and 20 cases actively being investigated and others going through the court process.

"One of the big things that worries officers is that they never feel that they’re getting on top of the workload and they’re doing a disservice to victims because they want to put time, passion and skills into it, but they are being prevented from doing so.

"And because of staff shortages and the additional demand we face, the knock-on effect is officers working extended hours. Overtime becomes the norm, officers can end up working double shifts, they are using their rest days to go to court and that affects their work/life balance and their families".

Devon and Cornwall Police Federation Detective Lead, Suzanne Vranch

Suzanne is concerned about investigators’ wellbeing, as they struggle to manage the demand. Coupled with the trauma that officers face, she warned of “long term psychological impact”.

“Detectives face a lot of trauma. For instance with the volume of death related incidents. The same sergeant can be going to a number of suicides within one set of shifts. They are also dealing with serious sexual abuse and child abuse and that naturally does cause anxiety, stress, depression and post traumatic stress disorder for investigators. The welfare of our officers is a priority.

"They are burnt out. I know detectives within my area who have gone off to be neighbourhood officers and it feels like a burden has been lifted".

However, Suzanne said Devon and Cornwall Police is definitely moving in the right direction thanks to work from the Federation, and force investment.

The force is now running at a shortage of 15%, which is an improvement on previous years, and is consistently driving to recruit new detectives. 56 officers have just passed their CID exam and 12 more will take it in March.

In September the force saw 20 Degree Holder Entry Programme detectives begin the recruitment process and in January another 18 more joined. Police Now will also see 11 more detectives join.

The force has also given out ÂŁ500 bonus payments to PIP 2 accredited officers, and the force is planning to make the role more accessible by introducing modular virtual learning.

Suzanne added: “Up until a year ago I was a detective - and had been for 10 years. There is a real sense of pride from being involved in investigations and seeing them through the court process. It is extremely rewarding seeing that hard work being paid off and justice being achieved for victims.

"As a detective you see the most serious of crimes such as rape, GBH, attempted murder, and you see the trauma those crimes have had. To be able to be part of that healing process makes you feel immensely proud. You are part of a process that helps pay back the wrongs of society. Those long custodial sentences not only help get justice, but help safeguard the wider public by taking those offenders off the streets".

What does the Chief Constable say?

Devon and Cornwall Police's Chief Constable, Shaun Sawyer, insists the force is doing everything it can to support staff.

However he admits people breaking the Covid restrictions are not helping and is calling on the public to stick to the rules.

"It is relentless and we will roll very quickly back into probably a staycation Summer.

"In force there's been lots of investment in wellness and welfare. Mental health we've been talking about that so we're slightly ahead of the curve we were talking about mental health and burnout a long time ago perhaps caused by austerity.

"Perhaps caused by things that I as a chief constable didn't switch quickly enough but it is relentless.

"But by definition it isn't going to go away. It's working with Andy Berry, chair of our federation and with our trade unions.

"What can we do to make life easier? but the last thing is what can the public do? Call us because you need us we'll be there don't worry - we'll be there somehow.

"But ultimately can you stop doing all the things that cause burnout as well - like holding ridiculous parties that take up officers' time and welfare because they want to be dealing with those domestic violence victims, with those rape victims, preventing children being abused.

"Some of the burnout is dealing with the things that policing shouldn't be having to deal with and society should deal with itself."

Devon and Cornwall Police Chief Constable, Shaun Sawyer