Coronavirus case confirmed at Cornish food factory

It's the second Cornish factory to be hit by the virus within a week.

Author: Jo Symes Published 2nd Oct 2020

A case of coronavirus has been confirmed another food factory in Cornwall.

An employee on the morning shift at Danish Crown's operation in Bugle, tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday 30th September.

Bosses said they developed symptoms on Monday and were immediately sent home to get tested and self-isolate.

Employee who have worked near them or have had contact with the person have also been sent home and told self isolate for two weeks.

"One of our employees on the morning shift at Danish Crown’s operation in Bugle, Cornwall has tested positive with COVID-19 this morning. The employee developed symptoms on Monday morning and was immediately sent home to self-isolate and arrange a test.

"We have taken immediate preventative action and identified those personnel who worked near to the employee and/or who would have had extended close contact with the employee and sent them home to self-isolate for 14 days.

"We have also been in contact with the Public Health England and the Government Public Health Protection team in Cornwall and they have confirmed our isolation measures exceed their requirements so are satisfied we have taken all appropriate action required at this time. We have requested daily contact with them over the coming days to ensure we have immediate access to their guidance and support to keep our staff safe and well.

"All personnel at the site have been informed of these developments and have been re-assured that we are committed to keeping them all safe and well. We have also stressed the importance of following all the procedures and government guidance both at work and at home to keep work colleagues, families and friends safe."

Spokesperson for Danish Crown, Bugle

The news comes following the news of an outbreak at another factory in Cornwall on Thursday 1st October, where more than 170 people tested positive for coronavirus at a meat processing plant

Cases were confirmed at Pilgrim's Pride factory in Pool, near Redruth. It is thought many were unaware that they had Covid-19 and were not displaying symptoms.