Cornwall's community spirit is helping struggling families this half term

Businesses across the Duchy are offering free meals to children

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 26th Oct 2020

Businesses across Cornwall who are offering to provide free meals for children over half term are being praised by Cornwall Council.

Dozens of cafes and restaurants across the Duchy have stepped in to help make sure kids don't go hungry over the holidays, after the majority of MPs voted against extending the scheme.

Footballer Marcus Rashford led the campaign in a bid to end child food poverty.

Businesses from Ann’s Pasties in Helston to Rosie’s Kitchen in Bude, are joining Castle Beach Cafe in Falmouth in offering lunch bags and meals to families struggling to children who normally get a free school meal.

Cornish businesses step in to offer kids free school meals

Cornwall Council Leader Cllr Julian German and Cllr Sally Hawken portfolio holder for children, are applauding Cornwall's businesses and community groups for rallying to offer free meals to those in need.

"The government were right to provide free school meals during the last two holidays and quite simply are failing children by not continuing this provision. We welcome the community spirit seen in Cornwall throughout this pandemic that carries on regardless of how hard things get. We offer a sincere thank you for everything our communities are doing to support struggling families this half term. We would like to place on record our wholehearted support for Marcus Rashford’s ‘End child food poverty’ campaign.

“No family should ever be faced with the worry and anxiety of not being able to provide for their children in the holidays.”

Cornwall Council’s portfolio holder for children, Cllr Sally Hawken

Since 2018 Cornwall Council has a run a summer programme called ‘Filling the Holiday Gap’, which provided small grants to community groups and volunteer organisations to provide activities and food for children and young people in the greatest need.

During the pandemic the scheme was used to provide vouchers to those that missed the deadline for the government vouchers. This year the Council will be providing a scheme to support all those receiving Free School Meals for the Christmas holidays.

The council says that like the rest of the country, the effect of the coronavirus pandemic in Cornwall has been 'profound'. Many families have seen their financial circumstances negatively impacted by lockdown, including the significant number working in Cornwall’s tourist and leisure industry. The number of children accessing Free School Meals has dramatically increased since the start of the pandemic in March.

Cornwall Council figures show that 13,000 children are currently accessing the scheme, which entitles them to a hot and nutritious meal.

An all-party parliamentary report in 2017 found that poorer children who are hungry in the holidays fall an extra month behind their peers in the new term. The important contribution a healthy, nutritious school lunch makes towards children’s wider wellbeing cannot be underestimated.

"As ever the community of Cornwall has not hesitated to step in, with a large number of businesses, community groups and amazing individuals offering to provide free meals for children across Cornwall and I truly thank them for their compassion and generosity. But what we need is a sustainable funding plan from government that meets this need long term.

“This year the Council will be providing a scheme to support all those receiving Free School Meals for the Christmas holidays.”

Cllr Sally Hawken

If you are in a position to provide support to Cornwall's ‘Filling the holiday gap programme’ this Christmas or during other school holidays, through resources or funding, please contact:

Please also support your local foodbank. Cornish foodbanks are providing vital support to families and people in need of help. Transformation Cornwall has details of many foodbanks and many local communities run their own scheme as well.