999 call handlers in South West speak out about abuse

Abuse against call handlers in our region has more than doubled since March

Author: Sarah YeomanPublished 23rd Nov 2020

People across Cornwall are being urged to respect staff when calling 999 for an ambulance this winter.

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) has released audio of abusive calls to 999 to raise awareness.

Figures from the Trust indicate abuse against its 999 call handlers has more than doubled since the beginning of the full UK lockdown in March.

Control room staff reported 77 verbal abuse incidents from callers between 23 March and 23 October, representing a 133% increase on the 33 incidents reported during the same time period in 2019.

Ambulance staff reported a total of 289 verbal abuse incidents and 178 physical assaults during the seven months, up 21% compared with last year.

The call handlers facing abuse

Amy, a 999 call handler based in Bristol, dealt with a rude and aggressive caller who repeatedly rang the emergency line demanding an ambulance.

She said: “The caller became increasingly angry and verbally aggressive.

I sympathised with their situation, but their continual swearing and level of hostility made my job virtually impossible.

“We understand that many of our callers are worried and scared, and this fear can sometimes present itself as abusive language and an aggressive attitude.

“However, any kind of abuse makes our job even more challenging and will not be tolerated. Behaviour such as this is obstructive to a safe triage, and can hinder the giving of sometimes lifesaving instructions.

“If you ever need to call 999, please remember you are speaking to a human being who really does care and who will arrange the most appropriate and safe care.

“Please trust us, and help us to help you.”

Natasha, 999 call handler based in Exeter, was also subject to abuse from a caller.

She said: “It’s rare to get through a whole shift without someone being unpleasant or nasty. The person started shouting and swearing at me immediately. Then he became aggressive and started making personal threats to me. He needed help, but refused to answer my questions. So I couldn’t help him and had to end the call. We are not there to be abused and shouted at; we are there to help people.”

Gabrielle, another 999 call handler, said: “Not everyone who calls 999 needs an ambulance. Our resources are limited, and ambulances must be reserved for those patients most in need.

“I received a call recently from someone whose condition wasn’t life-threatening. But when I advised them to call 111, I received an unpleasant abusive outburst, which was unacceptable. My colleagues and I do our jobs because we care and genuinely want to help people, not to be sworn at and abused.”

Ambulance service braces for busy winter

SWASFT is expecting to deal with a high number of emergency calls during the upcoming months, due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic alongside winter pressures.

Although it recognises people often call 999 in difficult situations, the Trust is asking callers not to hinder its control room staff as they try to arrange help.

It also reminds people only to call 999 for an ambulance in a medical emergency when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

“Our dedicated and compassionate emergency call handlers deal with serious and life-threatening emergencies every day, which we recognise are difficult and stressful for those people involved.

“Although the majority of callers are polite and respectful, a small minority are abusive and aggressive towards our people trying to help them.

“Such behaviour is unacceptable, and can delay or even prevent us reaching someone who really needs our care. It can also have a serious impact on them, their colleagues and families.

“We are fully committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our people. That includes offering immediate support to anyone who experiences violence and aggression on duty. It also means taking whatever action is necessary to prevent our people from harm and keep them safe.

“Please respect our people, and help them to help you.”

A SWASFT spokesperson