WATCH: Superhero window cleaners surprise children in a hospital ward

It was smiles all round.

Published 4th Aug 2016

Children at Kingston General Hospital, Ontario, Canada were in for a surprise earlier this week when the usual window cleaners donned superhero costumes.

Captured on camera by the hospital's photographer the superheroes brought a smile to the children inside the hospital.

A photo posted by KGHConnect (@kghconnect) on Aug 2, 2016 at 1:49pm PDT

The window cleaners, dressed as Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Superman, Thor and GI Joe, appeared at the window of seven-year-old Luke who had been in an accident and has an arm and leg in plaster. Luke's mother told a local TV station (Station 14) that he was pretty relaxed and 'very smily and waving'.

Station 14 also interviewed the owner of the window cleaning company, Chris, who said the reaction of the kids 'was beyond what we were prepared for'. It was tough working in 35 degree heat with a thick rubber suit on, but it was worth it for their reaction.