WATCH: Female jogger posts funny response to body shamer who shouted abuse at her

"I'm overweight and I'm trying to do something about it."

Published 17th Aug 2016

Lucy Silver a 39-year-old from Kent admits that she is overweight, but after being on the receiving end of abuse while out on a run she decided to respond to the body shamer on Facebook.

In the video she says she can't always get out as she suffers from migraines but she makes does what she can,

"I walk the dog twice a day and run as many times a week as I can and I really enjoy it.

"In the past you get people who come up behind you and they'll shout about your fat a***."

Lucy continues,

"I could be sat on the couch watching Jeremy Kyle, eating KFC but I'm not.

"I'm overweight and I'm trying to do something about it."

Lucy goes on to say in her matter of fact video,

"My great big fat a*** is loved by many people."

Since being uploaded last week Lucy's video has been shared over 4,000 times and she has also appeared on Good Morning Britain.

She has nearly 1000 comments on her video with hundreds coming out in support, such as Lesley Osborne who said,

'People stare at me when I go out walkin but I've lost almost 3 stone so it doesn't matter how little u do just keep moving in the right direction, I can't wait till I can run instead of walk and I don't care what people will say cos I'm doin it for me not them.' sic

And Andrea from Ireland who said,

'You are a total legend. So refreshingly honest and good for you speaking out against body shamers. You look beautiful.'