WATCH: Eight-year-old girl slams Tesco’s ‘sexist’ clothing in passionate speech

Daisy expressed her opinion

Published 29th Sep 2016

An eight-year-old girl has slammed supermarket Tesco for their ‘sexist’ clothing range in a passionate speech filmed by her mum.

Daisy Edmonds called out the shop for their inequality of the clothing and wasn’t impressed that the male t-shirts had phrases on such as ‘Hero’ and ‘Desert adventure awaits’ whilst the female t-shirts said ‘Beautiful, I feel fabulous’ and ‘Hey!’.

In her passionate speech, which was filmed in the store, Daisy says, "It's unfair because everyone thinks girls should just be pretty and boys should just be adventurous."

When her mum asks, “What do you think of that?” The eight-year-old responds saying, “I think that's wrong because why should boys and girls clothes even be separate because we're just as good as each other."

Upon spotting a t-shirt in the boys’ section with the slogan ‘Think outside of the box’, Daisy compares it to the ‘Hey’ jumper in the girls’ section and admits the wording on the male tops give her a lot more inspiration.

Watch the video below:

Daisy’s speech has now been viewed on Facebook over 9,000 times.

Daisy’s mum, 36-year-old Becky, later tweeted the store and explained her daughter’s feelings. She said, "Daisy doesn't understand why there has to be separation. It's the same with toys. She loves exploring and being brave, and there is never anything that says anything like that on girls' clothes.

“She thinks they should have unisex clothing. She should be able to choose what she wears. Who are Tesco to tell them what they can and can't wear?"

After seeing the video, a Tesco spokesperson said, "We stock a wide variety of clothes suitable for girls and boys and listen to the views of our customers when reviewing our range. We'd like to thank Daisy for her feedback and we can assure her that new styles will be arriving in stores shortly."