WATCH: This chemo patient won't let her treatment get her down

Laughter (and dancing) IS the best medicine

Published 21st Oct 2016

Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine and Ana-Alecia Ayala has set out to prove that with a video she posted on Instagram.

Ana-Alecia is currently fighting rhabdomyosarcoma (an agressive form of cancer) and as a result is in the middle of chemo, but she is determined to have a good time.

In the video which has now been viewed over 13,000 times Ana-Alecia can be seen with her friend - and as she calls it "#chemoantics" partner - Danielle.

Still attached to various pieces of equipment Ana-Alecia and Danielle dance a routine to 'Juju On That Beat' a song that has been popular online since earlier this year.

Ana-Alecia has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for her treatment costs and explains how she is now on her 4th round of four day inpatient chemo.

In her update posted on her page yesterday she says that despite the agressive treatment which has resulted in hallucinations and muscle weakness "Rhabdomyosarcoma picked the wrong girl to mess with!". Ana-Alecia's tumours have shrunk and the site of her original tumour is now clear.