Facebook comes to the rescue of girl with cupboard conundrum

How would you open this cupboard?

Published 17th Nov 2016

What do you do if you find all your bowls have fallen against a cupboard door with seemingly no way of opening it? Ask Facebook of course!

Tseng Shao-Tsen, a Facebook user from Taiwan posted on the Baoliao Commune Facebook page, "This is a cupboard that can never be opened."

However hundreds of users have to the girl's rescue with all types of suggestions from the genuinely clever to the down right stupid.

"Take the cupboard as it is and lay it horizontally by pulling the legs from front side," one user suggested.

"Just crack the lower glass," another suggested while one said, "You can remove glass bottom with glass cutter".

And another came up with this rather unusual idea, "buy a big balloon, insert it inside thru the gap if possible in the next row and blow it up."

After all of the comments it turns out Tseng decided to just be very careful when she opened the door.

Speaking to MailOnline one of Tseng's friends said, "She opened one door slightly and used her hand to hold the plates, then she pushed the door further."

"All plates were safe."

No plates were hurt in the writing of this article.