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Meet the kids from P4/5 at Monymusk School who have put together their own Doric Dictionary

Published 19th Dec 2016

Meet the pupils from Monymusk Primary School who have been putting together their very own Doric Dictionary.

Their guide to the dialect of the North-east of Scotland has been produced as a class project, printed and sold for charity.

We went to meet them…

Mrs Veitch is the class teacher for P4/5 at Monymusk.

“The class have been working on a project called ‘Hauditchappin’ that is the name for the whole project which is going to be a long-term project for us”

“We have a few children that don’t speak Doric in our class and the idea behind the dictionary is to promote and encourage the natural heritage and culture of Doric”

Copies of the Doric Dictionary, printed and produced with support from local businesses JobPrice and Paragon Service Point, are available from Monymusk School directly.