Accidental text from a grandma invites stranger to her Thanksgiving meal - and he's going!

It's what grandmas do.

Published 17th Nov 2016

When 17-year-old Jamil received a text from an unknown number he was a little confused.

The text was inviting him to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with 'Amanda' and 'Justin', but when Jamil asked who it was they just identified themselves as 'your grandma'.

Jamil told BuzzFeed that he thought it was HIS grandma, but asked for a photo to verify. What he received as a bit of a surprise.

The photo was of someone else's grandma, so he responded with his own selfie and a cheeky, "You not my grandma. Can I still get a plate tho?" sic

To which he received the surprise reply of "Of course you can. That's what grandma's do...feed every one".

© Twitter/RonaldDoee

This text exchange was later shared on Twitter and has become an instant hit with many people responding.

Unfortunately for 'grandma' Jamil didn't blur out her number before he posted it on Twitter and people have been texting her asking if they can "have a plate too".

However, Jamil and 'grandma' have actually met up in person and the intended recipient of the text tweeted a photo of the pair earlier today.